donderdag 25 februari 2010

Have fun at home

This week is ‘spring holiday’ here in Holland and the kids are not going to school. That also means we are not doing our yoga class as well.
But you can still do yoga at home!
Here under I selected 2 videos for you to get inspired.
The first one gives ideas of poses that you can do together with one of your parents. The second teaches funny poses that you can do alone or with friends.
Have fun and see you next week.

zaterdag 13 februari 2010

The Winter

The winter was the subject of our 4th class.
First we tried to define the winter.
Everybody knew that at this time of the year some birds go to warmer lands and other animals go to sleep.
That the days are darker than in the summer and also that it can be very nice, especially if you can play with the snow or go ice skating in the open air…
But of course the main characteristic of the winter is that it’s cold!
And because of that the kids took their bikes and went to the forest to chop some wood.
They got very warm from doing it.

Breathing in and out.

A cotton ball became a snowball and with that and a piece of straw they did a funny breathing exercise.

The Yoga poses:

The yoga poses were all about the forest and the animals that lived there.
With everybody together in the tree pose, they did the forest.
Than it was time for the bear, the beaver, the squirrel and the deer.
The kids are getting very good in the yoga poses!


In the relaxation the kids had to imagine how it was to be a tree.
A big, beautiful tree firmly and still in the forest.
Their bodies were the trunks and their roots had to grow deep into the earth.
They felt strong and powerful inside.

dinsdag 9 februari 2010

The Indian Adventure

In the third class at the Blijberg School we visited the Indians of North America. The Indians have a profound respect for Nature and sometimes they do rituals to celebrate it.
We discuss the meaning of rituals and we found a lot of example on our daily life.
Some kids found out that they also have their own rituals, like before going to bed or when they wake up.

The Indians believe that Nature is not only powerful but that she also has power to influence us, like when the Moon is full or when it rains. And because of that they do rituals to celebrate them.
Together the kids did ‘The Full Moon’ ritual around the campfire.
They danced and they throw on the fire everything that they didn’t wanted anymore and they renovated themselves.

They also painted each other’s faces and it was just like a ‘face massage’.

The yoga poses were all about warriors, arch and arrow and the animals that live in the desert together with the Indians.
In the end the kids did a beautiful relaxation where they had to imagine themselves in a real ‘indian camp fire’.
There, an old Indian came to say to each one of them:
You are good just as you are!